Our Care


Statement of Purpose

 ‘It is the aim of Coastal Homecare Ltd. To provide a FLEXIBLE care service, responsive to each individual’s needs. At one end of the scale an individual may require an hour’s assistance each week, whilst at the other end of the scale 24-hour care may be required. Between these two extremes, are endless possibilities for the use of this service, tailor made for each individual’.

Registered Manager – Karen Owen

Responsible Individual – Robin Owen

Team Manager – Sian Price

Training Coordinator/Manager – Joanne Davies

Office Assistant – Lauren Mackenzie

Team Leader – Kirsty Williams

Coastal Homecare was developed in 2009 to support people to stay in their own homes for longer, and to support independence and confidence. Coastal Homecare are champions in promoting person centred care. To date this company has been established for 9 years.

‘A standard of excellence which embraces the fundamental principles of good care practice’.



It is the aim of Coastal Homecare Ltd. to deliver personal care and associated domestic care to citizens in the home environment, to a standard of excellence which embraces the fundamental principles of good care and practice. It is the objective of the organisation to provide a service of the highest quality, to improve and sustain the citizen’s overall quality of life. This statement of purpose is based on guidelines from Social Care Wales. Coastal Homecare Ltd. aims to achieve its objectives by –



Coastal Homecare Ltd.’s Philosophy of Care aims to promote and reflect the values that focus upon the individual citizen, as being central to the care service planning and delivery of care.

In order to achieve this, Coastal Homecare Ltd. will draw upon the fundamental core values of care which underpin the service values (Codes of Practice and Guidance – Social Care Wales). These are the basis for the provision of individual care services.

Coastal Homecare Ltd. believe the best person to plan his or her future is that person. We will help our citizens to fulfil their expectations and aspirations and we will enable them to make their own plans and decisions regarding their life.

These are –

Range of needs we support –

Personal Care including –

Encouraging and helping to maintain personal hygiene and grooming is vital in enabling the person to feel the best they can, as well as maintaining their dignity, self-esteem and well-being. The level of assistance required for an individual will depend on their health status and ability.

Sitting Service –

 Night sleep or sitting service.

This service gives carers the opportunity to take a break with peace of mind.

Domestic Service –

We pride ourselves on flexibility, value and treating people with dignity and respect.

Companionship, Socialising and Conversation. Also Stimulating Mental Awareness –

Renting and watching movies.

It is important for every individual to feel comfortable and enjoy companionship in the comfort of their own home or in their local community. Our home carers engage in conversation and can provide companionship. This service is available to both able bodied people and people with physical limitations. This service may help encourage interest and enthusiasm and also help with cognitive and memory impairment.

Listening and conversing to people is regarded as an important part of delivering care. We can assist the citizen to keep in touch with their friends and relatives and help with letter writing if necessary.


Assistance with Travel Arrangements & Assistance with Planning Trips / Outings–

This service assists a citizen to plan journeys, organise routes to get to their chosen destination and booking tickets or appointments and suitable transport.

Common transport locations are –

Coastal Homecare are also able to provide staff escort to accompany citizens to and from appointments, either by public transport or private arrangement.


Assistance with shopping for clothes and choosing clothes to wear –

This service runs alongside the services offered to support outings to shop, or when providing assistance with personal care. We can support the citizen with their choice of clothing and promote independence and confidence. The way we dress says a lot about who we are and dressing is a private and personal activity. Each person’s preference is individual. At Coastal we are happy to provide a service which can support autonomy and individuality.


Mental Health –

Mental health is important at every stage of life. Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act. Our team at Coastal Homecare are trained in individual mental health issues and extra training can be provided to our staff on specific mental health issues should the need arise. We have an in house trainer who has an extensive background in caring for older people with mental health issues and adults with serious and enduring mental health complaints. All our mental health care is person centred, and all training in mental health care is delivered in a variety of ways to promote understanding by all of the staff at Coastal Homecare.


Palliative Care –

Our team at Coastal Homecare are experienced in providing palliative care and of working in the community alongside District Nurses and GP surgeries. Our care staff are also trained to deliver person centred care in the home environment. This service is supportive to family and carers alike.


How the service is provided –

By choosing Coastal Homecare Ltd. For domiciliary care you will be met by a service that is highly regulated by CIW and managed by qualified and experienced staff who have worked in the health sector for over two decades. There are no set up fees, no long notice periods and no hidden costs.

You will receive your own bespoke care package tailored to your needs. This can be obtained by private funding or as a referral from social service care brokers. One of our managers will contact you to arrange a time convenient to you, and with your consent conduct a risk assessment to form part of an occupational health and safety management plan. We are also able to work alongside other community team’s and care plans (i.e. a plan of care from the District Nursing Team, Occupational Therapy Team, Speech and Language Therapy Team, Hearing and Sight Loss Support Teams, Adult Community Mental Health Team, Adult Complex Disability Team and the Elderly Community Mental Health Team.

All information we hold is stored securely and we have upheld recent upgrades as advised from the Data Protection Act Update in 2018.

We will match care support staff to you based on your interests and hobbies and they will have the knowledge and training to cater for your needs. Their aim is to support you to achieve your goals and wishes, and we will introduce the Support Workers to you to help the development of routine.

Your care plan will be person centred. We are aware that some people who access our care prefer not to sit back and let health care staff do what they think is best. They have their own views on what’s best for them and their own priorities in life. So as health care workers we endeavour to be flexible to meet their needs and we plan care to suit these needs.

Each plan is individual and unique, and existing routines are considered, that may be a routine that you have, or a medication schedule you have to follow, or a hobby that’s important to you.

At Coastal Homecare Ltd. We aim to promote independence and well-being, and your safety is at the forefront of our care. We will keep our assessments of your needs up to date and we work alongside multidisciplinary teams so we can deliver care safely that meets your needs.


Language and Communication –

Social Care Wales advise ‘care providers must actively offer and deliver Welsh language care services to the same standard as English language care services’.

Coastal Homecare Ltd. Build partnerships and therapeutic relationships through safe, effective and non-discriminatory communication. We take into account individual differences, capabilities and needs.

We will ensure people receive all the information they need that allows them to make informed choices and decision making.

Our paperwork and correspondence can be supplied in Welsh if preferred. This will be established at the assessment stage of our care planning.

Welsh Language – Coastal Homecare Ltd. employ welsh speaking staff. There is also a bilingual answer machine facility.

Our paperwork and correspondence can also be translated into other languages should the need arise.


Staff Recruitment – Recruitment and Selection Policy

 Coastal Homecare Ltd. are responsible for making sure that the care we provide meets the Welsh Government Standards of quality and safety. We are also registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).

Citizens who use Coastal Homecare Ltd. services can be assured that the staff employed by Coastal Homecare Ltd. ensure they are:

Safe in their health and their welfare needs are met by staff who are fit, appropriately qualified and are able to do their job.

Coastal Homecare Ltd. –

Coastal Homecare Ltd. ensures that candidates that are successful at interview are suitable, dynamic and keen to learn about the evolving sector, and that all applicants receive fair and equitable treatment.

Job Posting

Coastal Homecare Ltd. provide employees the opportunity to indicate if they wish to advance within Coastal Homecare Ltd. according to their skills and experience. In general, notices of all regular, full and part time job openings will be advertised.

Personnel Selection

Applicants receive an application form, a person specification and a job description. Applicants are required to complete all forms.

Equal Opportunities

Coastal Homecare Ltd. review all applicants. Brief details of every application will be recorded and the reason for inviting applicants for interview or declining applicants for interview recorded.


Offers of employment are made on condition that satisfactory references are obtained in respect of the applicant. A reference is required from their current employer or their most recent employer. If the references are unsatisfactory the offer of employment may be withdrawn.

Job Interviews

Job interviews provide Coastal Homecare Ltd. to get the information we require about applicants to decide the most suitable applicant. All interviews are conducted in conditions which are favourable to interviewees giving their best.

Protection of Vulnerable Adults

It is compulsory that all employees have an enhanced DBS check before starting employment.

Offers of Employment

Terms of appointment and employment between Coastal Homecare Ltd. and its employees are confirmed in writing.


Managers who are qualified to Level 5 in Leadership and Management conduct interviews and are aware of all aspects of employment law relating to recruitment.


Registered Manager Qualifications & Professional Background – Karen Owen

Adult Nursing (BNhons) 2009

Level 4 NVQ Leadership & Management

Level 3 BTEC Advanced Certificate People Handling Skills

Level 3 Award in Training Skills and Practice

The Registered Manager is also employed as a Bank Nurse in an Elderly Mental Health Nursing Home. She has worked in the health sector for 30 years and has been a Qualified Nurse for 8 years.

She has worked with older people with mental health illnesses and older people with psychical health illnesses. She is also experienced in supporting people with learning disabilities and physical disabilities, and supporting their families and carers.

She is a member of the Back Exchange Group. She is also registered on the Nursing and Midwifery Council register and maintains this registration by revalidating as required.

Karen Owen, and Robin Owen (Responsible Individual) are the founders of Coastal Homecare Ltd. Over the last 9 years Social Care in the community has developed and evolved. Karen is committed to providing a high quality service, and has ensured Coastal

Homecare Ltd.’s success by keeping her knowledge up to date and has established effective working relationships with the wider service providers in all contexts.


Training Coordinator/Manager Qualifications & Professional Background – Joanne Davies

Mental Health Nursing (BNhons) 2006

Is employed as an Adult Community Psychiatric Nurse in BCUHB (since 2017)

Approved Student Nurse Mentor (within BCUHB in current role)

Has worked in the Forensic Mental Health division for nearly 4 years.

Has worked in the private nursing home sector for elderly mental and physical health for 10 years.

Registered on the Nursing and Midwifery Register and maintains this registration by revalidating as necessary.

Joanne is currently completing Level 5 NVQ in Leadership and Management specifically to deliver and develop the training provision, monitoring, implementation and quality at Coastal Homecare Ltd.


Team Manager Qualifications & Professional Background – Sian Price

Level 5 NVQ Leadership and Management

Has been employed at Coastal Homecare Ltd. for 5 years. During this time Sian has implemented many changes and supervised staff who are learning. Sian is dynamic and committed to team work and organisation.

Manages a team of 24 staff alongside the Registered Manager and the Responsible Individual.


Team Leader Qualifications & Professional Background – Kirsty Williams

Level 2 NVQ and is working towards Level 3

Has worked at Coastal Homecare Ltd. for 7 years. During this time Kirsty has developed and maintains competency in her role.


Home Carer Qualifications –

8 carers have completed NVQ Level 2

6 carers are working towards NVQ Level 2

1 carer is working towards Team Leader Level 2 QCF in adjacent with NVQ Level 2

3 carers working toward NVQ/QCF Level 3


Domiciliary care workers will undertake initial induction training, to introduce them to the organisation, its philosophy of care, aims and objectives, policies and procedures. All carers within 6 months of commencing employment are required to register for their NVQ/QCF in Care, which should be completed within 6 months.

Domiciliary care workers are also trained in –

Infection Control… COSHH… Policies & Procedures… Personal Care… Skin Integrity… Pressure Ulcer Stages… Blister Pack Medication… End of Life Care… Moving & Handling Passport… Catheter Care… Confidentiality… Managing Challenging Behaviour… Dementia Care… Caring for people with Parkinson’s Disease… Depression… Anxiety… Bipolar Affective Disorder… Schizophrenia type illnesses… Self-Harming Behaviour… Personality Disorders… Post Traumatic Stress Disorder… Mental Health Crisis Management… Monitoring Mental State… Monitoring Mood… Social Withdrawal… CPR & AED… What is key legislation?… What are my responsibilities?… What should I do if I suspect I have made a mistake?… How can we assess behaviour and manage behaviours?… Effective Communication & Special Communication Needs… Emergency First Aid… Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA)… Health & Safety… Choking… Stroke Awareness… Principles of Person Centred Care… Dignity… Equality & Diversity… Food Hygiene & Food Safety… Food Hygiene Level 2… Personal Care… Eye Care… Fire Safety… Documentation & Record Keeping… Risk Assessment… Mental Capacity Act… Epilepsy Awareness… Diabetes Awareness… Discrimination… Rights & Equal Opportunities… Death & Dying & Bereavement… Infection Control… Alcohol Awareness… and Complex Learning Disability – Principles.


Training is sourced externally via Social Services and in-house. Our Training Coordinator/Manager sources resources, develops training, monitors learning and measures the quality of training.

Our Training Coordinator/Manager will provide training on a 1-1 basis for specific subjects as and when needed.

All mandatory training has been developed from information obtained from Social Care Wales.



Our supervision process supports learning and enables staff to evaluate their practice and knowledge. Staff are supported to improve their development and are also supported to reflect on practice and situations.

The aim of supervision at Coastal Homecare Ltd. is to maintain a high quality service.

Our framework involves –

Supervisions are conducted every three months by someone at management level.

Appraisals are conducted every year by someone at management level.

Coastal Homecare Ltd. has an ‘open door’ office policy for all staff to access support as needed.


Staff Training Program

We implement a six-month training program. Within this the employee completes the Social Care Induction Framework for Wales.

Training is monitored by the Training Coordinator using a Matrix. This matrix tracks training skill levels and requirement of frequency and competency levels.

Mandatory staff training, and area specific training will be facilitated at Coastal Homecare Ltd. head office in the Training Room/Board Room using the facilities based in this location.


Data Protection –

Coastal Homecare Ltd. have recently invested in a Data Protection Upgrade by OES Asset Integrity Management, as per the Data Protection Act 2018.

Coastal Homecare Ltd. operate from 0700hours to 2200hours 7 days per week.

The Responsible Individual is available from 0700hours – 2200hours 7 days per week including Bank Holliday’s and is on site from 0930hours – 1630hours Monday – Friday.


Areas of Service –

Current areas of service are Kinmel Bay, Rhyl, Prestatyn and Denbigh.

We will expand this area should the need of the service demand.


Pet care –

We are able to provide specific support to help citizens care for their pets. All pets are required to be registered with a Veterinary Practice and have an up to date vaccination card if necessary. We can support citizens to care for their pets, source care for their pets should they need care, source food for their pet, and hold information for how they wish their pet to be cared for should the citizen be not able to look after their pet.


Volunteering opportunities –

We have volunteers who are gaining office experience at Coastal Homecare Ltd in a supervised environment.

We are also able to offer opportunities to college students who need a work experience placement. We will pay for and Enhanced Disclosure and Barring service check for volunteers.


Cancellation of the service

The service can be temporarily cancelled for various reasons although we do expect some notice. Cancellations due to periods of hospitalisation will require a 50% retainer fee to be paid.

Continuous cancellations may cause a review of some of the Care Plan. We have responsibilities for the care staff under the Health & Safety Legislation. If care workers find themselves working in an unsafe environment we will withdraw their service until the situation is made safe. We will also withdraw the service (giving appropriate notice) if the citizen, relatives or visitors are abusing the care worker(s).


If we are unable to provide you with your usual Care Worker, we will inform you in advance and ensure you are introduced to the replacement worker.



Citizens will be asked to sign their daily log when the carer enters their home and when the carer leaves, to confirm time of arrival and departure.



We have a comprehensive set of policies regarding the safety of the citizens and our staff. All staff will be trained in Health & Safety. All carers will wear identity badges. Carers will ensure that the citizen’s property is secure when they depart i.e. all doors and windows are locked.


Complaints Procedure

Coastal Homecare Ltd. has a formal complaints policy and a copy of which will be enclosed for the client’s information in the Citizen’s guide.

We will also welcome any positive feedback.


Quality Assurance and Standards of Service

An organisation involved with continual improvement and development, this is what you can expect from COASTAL HOMECARE LTD:

We continually consult with our Citizens and Care Workers through informal interviews and questionnaires.

Additionally, our manager will constantly monitor care staff performances to ensure they meet your requirements.